ponedeljek, 12. april 2010

iPad. vs. publishing, pt. 3

Just a short update this week: iPad's revolution of publishing newspapers is just around the corner! The New York Times will begin publishing daily on the iPad, offering readers around the world immediate access to most of the daily newspaper’s contents.

Techcrunch reports:
The New York Times on the iPad, as the electronic publication is known, contains most of the news and feature articles from the current day’s printed newspaper, classified advertising, reporting that does not appear in the newspaper, and interactive features including the newspaper’s crossword puzzle.

The iPad App is part of a strategy to extend the readership of The Times and to create opportunities for the company in the electronic media industry, said Martin Nisenholtz, president of The New York Times Electronic Media Company.
And how much does reading the Times on iPad cost?
Mr. Nisenholtz, publisher of The Times, said that initially, at least, no subscription or access fee would be charged for readers in the United States and that the iPad App would generate revenue from advertising. Readers who connect to the iPad App from outside the country will be offered a 30-day trial without charge, but will eventually face a subscription fee.
So reading newspapers using iPads could make the benefit mutual: newspapers get readership and readers get to read newspapers on iPads whenever and wherever they want to.

3 komentarji:

  1. As a big critic of iPad (and basically all other bitten apple products) I at least have to raise some questions regarding iPad and all the fuss around it.
    1) Is New York Times available online? YES
    2) Is New York Times available for mobile phones? YES
    3)Is New York Times (regarding questions 1&2) free? YES
    4) Is New York Times app available for iPhone? I guess so, but have to say I don't know.

    So why all the fuss about publishing on iPad? Well good publicity never hurts:)

  2. Good publicity certainly is a part of it, but the point here is that the launch of iPad gave the newspapers a challenge to re-think their publishing practices and consider their possible implementation and transference to a new medium like iPad. Since print is loosing subscriptions and readership they have to adapt to new circumstances and The New York Times responded by making an app which enables iPad users to access TNY Times content in a unique (or perhaps) more user-friendly way.

  3. So the message mostly remains the same, it just gets a new package :)
